The Parish Finance Council is established pursuant to the Code of Canon Law for the Roman Catholic Church. The Council exists to assist the pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish. Members: Ron Forrest, Zachary Rospert, Diane M. Moyer, Dan Stott, Bethany Berckmueller. Business Manager: Marilyn Falter. The Parish Finance Council is envisioned as a select group of parishioners known for their spiritual maturity and love of Christ and the Church. It is expected to be endowed with special competence in financial matters and to possess prudent judgment. The members offer their time and talents in Christian service to assist the pastor with the development and management of the parish’s financial resources so that the parish may effectively pursue its proper mission of spreading Christ’s Gospel and love.
Related to the function of the Parish Finance Council is the work done in conjunction with the weekly collections. Ushers and sacristans separate donations from parishioners and place the collections in bank bags. Counters open parish envelopes, count and record donations, and take collections to the bank. Help is welcome in this ministry. If interested, please contact the parish office at (419) 499-4274 or by e-mail to [email protected].